February 26th | 6:00pm
The Vine Church
204 E. Amerige Ave.
Downtown Fullerton
Ash Wednesday marks the start of the season of Lent, a forty-day period of preparation for the celebration of Easter.
Ash Wednesday invites us to take an honest look at our lives, to address issues of sin that interfere with our relationship with God and others, and to receive afresh God’s grace and mercy so we can live renewed lives.
We invite you to join us for our Ash Wednesday service as we gather for prayer, hearing the scriptures read aloud, and being marked with palm ash. The ancient practice of placing ashes on worshippers’ foreheads is a way of tangibly expressing humility before God and reminding us of the consequences of sin. We start here to remind us of our daily need for mercy and grace as we begin our Lenten journey toward Easter.
All are welcome to join us!