Bible Passage Look-Up
This is a great website for looking up Bible passages in various translations.
Bible Study Plans
This a wonderful Bible reading plan with commentary created by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel of HTB Church in London.
Discipleship Journal Bible Plan
If you’d prefer a printed plan to go at your own pace, this plan is wonderful.
If you’d like a plan that is linked to the seasons of the church calendar, this is a wonderful plan, though it might require some time to figure out how to use it.
Questions to Ask as You Read
What does this passage tell you about God?
What does this passage tell you about yourself?
Are there any examples to follow (or avoid)?
Are there any commands to obey or things to do?
Is there a sin to confess?
Is there a prayer to pray?
Are there any promises to claim?
Is there a question God is asking me?