Bible Passage Look-Up

This is a great website for looking up Bible passages in various translations.

Bible Study Plans

Bible In One Year App

This a wonderful Bible reading plan with commentary created by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel of HTB Church in London.


Discipleship Journal Bible Plan

If you’d prefer a printed plan to go at your own pace, this plan is wonderful.


Daily Office Lectionary

If you’d like a plan that is linked to the seasons of the church calendar, this is a wonderful plan, though it might require some time to figure out how to use it.


Questions to Ask as You Read

  • What does this passage tell you about God?

  • What does this passage tell you about yourself?

  • Are there any examples to follow (or avoid)?

  • Are there any commands to obey or things to do?

  • Is there a sin to confess?

  • Is there a prayer to pray?

  • Are there any promises to claim?

  • Is there a question God is asking me?