Scripture: Philippians 4:5

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

Reflect in the Presence of Gentleness/Jesus

·         Where do you wish someone would extend gentleness to you? How might God be offering that to you in this moment?

·         Who in your life needs your gentleness?

·         Spend a few minutes sitting quietly with the Good Shepherd image. Practice self-awareness by noticing what you notice.  Talk to Jesus about that.



·         Every evening take ten minutes to reflect on when you were hurt, ignored or neglected. Hear the gentle, kind voice of Jesus to you and extend gentleness to yourself.  Ask Jesus to comfort you as you release those who hurt you to his justice and mercy.  

·         What is a strength of yours? If you don’t know, ask a friend.  Ask the Holy Spirit how he may want you to temper that in humility this week, preferring someone else. Try to offer this gentle act at least once a day.



Gentle me, Holy Spirit
I spin, I strive, I stress...
      You rest.
On those you love
      you rest.
So gentle me, Holy Spirit.


Psalm 143:8 NASB

Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning
for I trust in You
Teach me the way in which I should walk
for to You I lift up my soul.